Ergonomic chairs really work?

Nowadays, the fast pace of urban life has become the norm, and the high intensity of work makes your body often unbearable. Lumbar spondylosis and cervical spondylosis have now become common occupational diseases in offices, and the attributes of a sedentary occupation put you in a subhealthy state from time to time. During the day, you need to be busy with the computer to do a variety of programs and analysis of reports, and at home in the evening to deal with a lot of work e-mail, rough statistics, the average daily sitting in front of the computer up to 8 hours, and sometimes even up to 10 hours of prolonged sedentary processing work will always feel back pain, if not pay attention to the time will cause lumbar and cervical problems, dyslipidemia and other problems, which It is equivalent to chronic suicide, this half year because of the lumbar cervical problems hospitalization and rehabilitation of several colleagues. In order to prevent lumbar spondylosis and other problems, it is necessary to pay attention to maintain a healthy sitting posture when working, people in front of the computer for a long time is necessary to add a more suitable for their own seat to raise the waist protection waist. Many people hold a questionable attitude towards ergonomic chairs, some people even directly think that ergonomic chairs are IQ tax products, which I do not agree. Usually pay more attention to some words, you can find that everyone’s sitting posture in the office can be described as fancy, non-standard sitting posture often brings serious negative impact on people. Period bad sitting posture may lead to lumbar muscle strain, poor blood circulation, or worse, will cause spinal lesions. Correct sitting posture can provide good support and guidance to the human body, which helps them to use the computer in a stable position for a long time to deal with a variety of tasks. Good sitting posture allows people to work in front of the computer, not easy to fatigue, and ergonomic chairs happen to be designed to regulate the sitting posture and relieve spinal pressure chair. For traditional office chairs, ergonomic chairs for the neck, back, waist, hips, arms to produce three-dimensional scientific support, more effective in dispersing human pressure.








Ergonomic chairs have better lumbar support. The primary feature of the ergonomic chair is a good lumbar support design, this design can be reflected in the entity adjustable height lumbar support device and a lumbar support role in the design of the mesh surface. This lumbar support design can avoid lumbar overhang, bearing too high, thus effectively protecting the lumbar.


Ergonomic chairs have better head support. Most ergonomic chairs on the market today are equipped with a headrest, which allows us to rest against the chair, the head and cervical spine have good support, thereby reducing the probability of cervical spine disease.


Ergonomic chairs can be adapted to the individual needs of the adjustment system. Because each person has individualized differences in height, weight, sitting position, so to meet individualized needs, most ergonomic chairs have manual or automatic adjustment functions, including height, armrests, lumbar support, headrest, etc.


Ergonomic chairs have a more comfortable experience. Ergonomic chairs are generally much stronger materials and design than ordinary chairs, the cushions are made of highly elastic mesh or sponge, very soft and has good support, which is very comfortable when we do, and less likely to feel fatigue.


Of course, not all ergonomic chairs to sit up support and comfort can be, the market ergonomic chair brand mixed, many chairs under the guise of ergonomic, in fact, the materials and design is very rough, not only no benefit to the human body, but sitting up will be very tired.